A new year has dawned. Yesterday is gone.
But today...
Today, I will store His Word in my heart.
Today, I will pray.
Today, I will bow my head in His Presence.
Today, I will carry my cross.
Today, I will seek Him.
Today, I will take the narrow way.
Today, I will continue to run my race with the intent to win.
Today, I will show my children how to love God.
Today, I will read.
Today, I will write.
Today, I will sing.
Today, I will dance.
Today, I will enjoy nature.
Today, I will teach my children how to praise God.
Today, I will let God be God.
Today, I will not despair or be disquieted.
Today, I will not worry about tomorrow.
Today, I will teach my children that God can be trusted.
Today, I will delight in my children.
Today, I will hold them and kiss them.
Today, I will be slow to anger.
Today, I will love their father.
Today, I will speak softly.
Today, I will listen to them.
Today, I will bless them.
Today, I will allow them to live with the consequences of their choices.
Today, I will gently and firmly correct them.
Today, I will model God's love for them.
Today, I will forgive.
Today, I will listen with my heart.
Today, I will seek to understand.
Today, I will give without counting the cost.
Today, I will serve - cheerfully and with my whole heart.
Today, I will do little things with great love.
Today, I will be a blessing.
Today, I will be thankful.
Today, I will be teachable.
Today, I will not take offence.
Today, I will repent.
Today, I will ask for forgiveness.
Today, I surrender to His will.
Today, I will come to the Father like a little child.
Today, I will be joyful.
Today, I will be courageous.
Today, I will cherish every moment as a gift from the Lord.
Today, I will soar.
Tomorrow, I will begin anew. Blessings in this new year. Merry Christmas!